
Say It With Flowers

by Eva Carr
Who will win the battle of Bouquets?A millionaire wants to buy my flower shop. And flatten it. But it's far more than just a shop to me. It's my dream. I dig in my heels and prepare for a fight. But how do I fight someone like Neal Mountjoy? The guy must have zillions in the bank, the best legal team money can buy and the total advantage. After I turn down his ridiculous offer, he goes all out in pursuit of his goal. Neal knows how to get what he wants, and I need to stay strong, not fall for the guy.* * *Dani Williams isn't selling. No problem, I’ll find a way to wear down her defenses. That's when I find out she's more stubborn than a mule. As well as irresistibly sweet, crazy beautiful and sexy as hell. It's almost impossible to stop myself falling for her.
Deal Available through June 23, 2022
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